This time last year, I was on my own for the first time in my new home town. After an amazing trek through select National Parks with my sister and a tour of small town Dairy Queen’s, I had to drive her to Midway and say goodbye for a time. I knew I would make it on my own in this strange land where people say “fantastic,” but I was already heartbroken with the notion of missing friends and family for a few years. And look at me now, breaking free of the training wheels and finding my way among the Chicagoans.

A lot has happened in the past year:

  • I learned my way around a new city, on foot, bike, bus, train, and by car. My favorite modes of transportation are still foot and bike.
  • I embraced the generosity of my neighbors (as I sit here typing, one of the Fitzgerald brothers is chatting with Freddie across the gangway about “sauerkraut, Polish sausage, and the beauties on the beach” — I kid you not!)
  • I marveled at the amazing weather the midwest has to offer. Winter wasn’t that bad.
  • I learned the difference between speech and language, and I acquired an entirely new vocabulary to describe the different ways we communicate. /ænd ͜aɪ gɑt tu lɚn ə nu w͜eɪ tu ɹ͜aɪt/
  • I had my heart broken a few times, saying goodbye to Cleo and to a love I thought might last
  • Each week, I gather up all my confidence and sit with clients, hoping to guide them toward better communication
  • I’ve made friendships that will last through the ages
  • I’ve built a home for myself, a place for this next phase of my life.

There have been hard days over the past year, to be sure, but mostly it has been wonderful. As much as I miss my friends and family in CA, I know this was the right choice for me right now. That confidence buoys me and helps me look toward the next adventure. Oh, yes. It has been  a good year!


July 15, 2009


July 15, 2008

/hæpi ænɪvɚsɹi ʃɪkɔg͜oʊ/